
For those with established networks, LinkedIn is a powerful tool to expand your audience and extend your reach.

Every post or video that you create is automatically recommended to people in your network. If they react and/or comment your post, it is then shown to people in their network.

Hence why a piece of content can spread so quickly on LinkedIn.

Below are examples of our work:


The idea behind this post was to capture the story behind Tsui’s victory as well as the emotional details of her own experience in the aftermath of victory.

The structure we followed was hook, value, and closing. In less than 500 words, we managed to entertain and educate our readers, many of whom commented and reacted to the post to express how this post spoke to them.



An amazing story about Hacking Immigration Law (HIL) and Jim’s and his team’s relentlessness in advocating for immigrant rights through litigation and written advocacy.

We wrote this post to detail HIL’s approach to defending clients from deportation (an extremely tough situation for immigrants) and how Jim and his team were able to take a client from near deportation to green card.



Amber is an amazing immigration lawyer who specializes in employment-based immigration.

In this post, we showcased her ability to get NIWs for unconventional NIW fields like aviation (she’s also worked with nurses and also with individuals from more traditional NIW occupations like New Medicine, Clean-tech, Artificial intelligence, etc.).

This post generated both NIW and EB-1 leads and tens of thousands of impressions.



It’s one thing to say you do good work and another to show good work.

The first two sentences painted a clear picture of what was made possible with Tsui’s work, which made people want to find out more. Hence the views.



Someone in Tsui’s network commented on how much she liked Tsui’s “evening fireside chat” style videos so we decided to create more. This time, we focused on a casual conversation style video of Tsui talking about a client case. The intent was to make viewers imagine what it would be like to have Tsui as their lawyer. Again an example of showing, not just telling.
